Program Details

Who it's for

A beginner to intermediate course for men and women that requires gym access


  • Lose fat
  • Increase strength
  • Build new habits
  • Increase energy and confidence


  • Duration: 16 weeks
  • Starts: April 6th, 2015
  • Ends: August 2nd, 2015


  • Familiar with or willing to learn squat, deadlift, bench press, & press.
  • Access to barbells and dumbbells
  • Ability to train for approx. 45 minutes to an hour, 3-4x a week
  • Tracking devices (food scale, bathroom scale, measuring tape)
  • Macronutrient counting (or willingness to learn)
  • MyFitnessPal or similar macro tracking app recommended, but not required
  • Before & After pictures required (no exceptions)

What You Get

  • Customized macronutrient plan
  • Monthly training program
  • Support in a friendly, team setting
  • Timely responses to questions
  • Unlimited email/private message support
  • Monthly Q&A sessions
  • Bi-weekly updates to asses training & nutrition progress
  • 1000% effort from me to help you reach your goals
Join Now

$60/ MO



In True Strength Fat Loss we will focus on increasing overall strength and maintaining lean muscle mass, while simultaneously dropping body fat.

The training program will be built around big, compound movements, such as the squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead press. The nutrition program will be built around the concept of carb cycling, in order to provide the body the energy it needs to recover, and burn more fat as well.

This combination will allow us to increase overall strength, maintain lean mass, while still dropping body fat.

Who Am I?

I always tell everyone, if you had told me 5 years ago that my favorite activity would be lifting weights and that I’d be working as a personal trainer, I would have died of laughter.

But after college, I decided I needed a change.  Unhappy with my appearance and my self-confidence, I dove headfirst into the world of health and fitness.  Eventually I found strength training, and fell in love with it!  Strength training helped me get stronger, increase my self-confidence, and drop 80 pounds over the last 4 years.

Why Strength Train?

In my opinion, strength training will do more for you than any other form of exercise.  Strength training will:

  • Make you stronger!  Strength is the foundation for everything we do, from making everyday tasks easier, to helping you build bigger muscles by lifting more weight, and making athletes better at their sport by increasing their speed and power.
  • Maintain and build muscle. Our muscle mass decreases as we age, leading to the risk of falls and injuries. Maintaining and even increasing our muscle mass will help prevent this.
  • Help burn fat. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn.
  • Increases flexibility, joint stability, and bone growth. Because of our increasingly sedentary society, our bodies are slowly breaking down. Strength training will help keep the body flexible, correct poor posture, alleviate joint pain, and increase bone density.

AND, in addition to its physical benefits, strength training has immense psychological benefits as well. Physically becoming stronger makes you mentally stronger. Strength training increases your self-confidence. It gives you a feeling of empowerment…that you can do anything. So yes, the physical benefits are great! But the psychological benefits can be even greater!

So, who's ready to get stronger, blast fat, and feel awesome?!



How many hours a week will I have to train?
Each phase will have 3 or 4 training days per week, with each workout is designed to last no longer than 45 minutes to an hour.
Can I workout on non-training days?
Rest days are just as important as training days, especially when it comes to building strength in a caloric deficit. Your body needs time to recover and prepare for your next workout. I would not recommend any resistance training outside of your 3-4 training days each week. If you would like to perform some light cardio on your off days that is fine, as long as it doesn't impact your recovery.
What is the bi-weekly check-in?
Every two weeks you will fill out an update that includes your weight, body measurements, macro numbers and workout numbers.
How much weight can I lose?
This is going to be largely dependent on your body fat percentage. The higher your body fat percentage, the more fat you can lose each week. The lower your body fat percentage, the less. The goal of this group is not fast weight loss. We will utilize a moderate caloric deficit in order to allow maximum recovery and strength increases, while still losing fat, approximately 1-2 pounds per week.
What if I've never lifted weights before?
Not a problem! In fact, you will likely see fantastic results due to your inexperience. Plus you will be provided with all the support you need; answers to your questions, exercise videos, etc.
Do I have to count macros?
Short answer, yes. Counting macros will allow you to see the best results possible, especially with strength training. We need to be sure your protein intake is high enough to retain lean muscle mass and that you are eating enough for adequate recovery while still in a deficit.

Jorden Pagel

Macro Wizard

A NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, my passion is helping others reach their fitness goals. With 3 years of fat loss & strength training experience, my mission is to help you sculpt the body you want and become the best possible version of yourself!